Contemporary artist Van Renselar has travelled extensively. He grew up in South Wales, moving to London in his teens, where he now lives and works. After committing himself fully to digital painting 10 years ago he has rapidly become one of the most original of the emerging contemporary artists in the UK. He has exhibited at many venues, including:
Innovative Art Fair, Brick Lane
On The Wall Art Fair, London Olympia
Brighton Art Fair
Arndean Gallery, Cork Street, W1
White Space Gallery, Greenwich
Gallery Kaleidoscope, NW3
The Railway, Tulse Hill (Solo)
Islington Art Fair
Brighton Artists Gallery (Solo)
Art Basel, Miami, USA
Broadway Gallery, Broadway, New York, USA
The Peacock Gallery
The Light Gallery, London W2
Globe Gallery, Weybridge
The Attic, Parliament Street, New Delhii
The Royal Commonwealth Society, London
La Galleria, Pall Mall
Van Renselar’s work has featured in:
NY Arts
China Arts Magazine
Art Fairs International
Absolute magazine
Picture Business
Good Housekeeping
As an abstract artist, Van Renselar produces colourful abstract art that is concerned more with form, composition and colour as an alternative to subject matter.
As he says, "I want to use my knowledge of colour, image and line to make pictures which involve and intrigue the viewer. I take ideas from around and within me, using intuition and imagination to create a new context. Much of my work stems from my subconscious, where I see actions, events and ideas as particular images and colours. As some music can take on a different meaning after it has left the composer's pen, I encourage the viewer to create their own story about the meaning of the picture.”
Across his range of colourful contemporary art, there’s no defining key of symbols. There is no ‘language’ for the viewer to learn. Each piece of work establishes itself on its own visual merits and the viewer’s interest.
In its purest form, abstract art is one without a recognisable subject, one which doesn't relate to anything external or necessarily try to 'look like' something. Instead the colour, composition and form are the subject of the abstract painting. Also generally classified with modern abstract art are figurative abstractions and paintings which represent things that aren't visual, such an emotion or sound. Van renselar's paintings often fall within this general category. Figurative abstractions are abstractions, juxtapositions or simplifications of reality.
Some modern abstract artists use terms such as concrete art or non-objective art, but in practice the phrase abstract art is commonly used and the distinction between the two is not always obvious. There are some solid theoretical ideas that lie behind abstract art. Abstract art can or should be like music - that just as music consists of patterns of sound, abstract art's effects are created by patterns of form, colour and line.
Likewise, abstract artists such as Van Renselar do not attempt to reproduce a likeness of nature - the subject is the painting itself. Very often, the finished painting bears little, if any, apparent visual relationship to the idea that inspired it. Nevertheless, some viewers try to discover a realistic image in the pictures. Not that seeing things in abstract paintings is a mistake, even if the artist did or didn't put them there. But those viewers miss an opportunity to see more if they spend their energy trying to turn the painting into something they can name, such as a face or landscape.
Composition is one of the fundamental tools an abstract artist uses. The goal is to achieve a balance of visual elements without making the weight so perfectly balanced that the art becomes boring. If everything on the left is precisely equal to the right, top and the bottom, balance has been achieved but the interest is lost. The handling of space - or the illusion of space - is also another element in the artist's toolbox.
Energy is the life force that is present in all good modern art - in ANY art. This is not something that is easily defined, but it is the opposite state of static flatness. It is through energy that a painting speaks to you, and makes an artist's work original and identifiable as the work of that artist. Energy is created out of the abstract artist's materials and tools, but the end is more than the means in the same sense that a musical composition is substantially more than a collection of notes.
Modern art prints and canvas artworks by contemporary artist Van Renselar